Commonly Asked Questions

  • Lúum utilises products that have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA), which regulates all anti-wrinkle and dermal filler treatments as Schedule 4 prescription-only medications. In Australia, the TGA enforces stringent laws regarding prescription-only medication and prohibits the sharing of medication names on social media or any other marketing platforms to ensure consumer safety. However, we can provide detailed information about our products during an in-person consultation at our clinic.

  • At Luum Aesthetics, we prioritize creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our patients, including parents with young children. We understand that finding a babysitter can be challenging, and we aim to accommodate parents who may need to bring their children along to appointments. Our clinic is child-friendly, and we happily welcome well-behaved children. If your child is content staying in a pram during the treatment or is able to sit quietly and wait, they are more than welcome to accompany you to your appointment. We strive to make the experience as comfortable as possible for both you and your child, ensuring that your appointment needs are met safely while maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere. Unfortunately, if you are coming in for light treatments such as BBL, your child will not be able to go into the treatment room with you, as the flashing light is harmful to unprotected eyes.

  • Some of our treatments at Luum may include a little bit of downtime such as bruising, swelling or redness. Your practitioner will always discuss this with you during your consultation, to ensure that you are aware and can plan for this before going ahead with treatment. We also offer many treatments with no downtime – such as our LED Healite and medi-peels.

  • We try our hardest at Lúum to ensure that our clients are comfortable at all times. Many of our treatments are pain free, however some may come with a little bit of discomfort. Most clients tolerate this really well, and it doesn’t deter them from coming back! We use strong topical numbing creams, small needles, cannulas and local anaesthetic to ensure the process is as seemless as possible. Our skin treatments may feel a little bit tingly warm or zappy, however, our patients also tolerate these really well, and the results speak for themselves.

  • We understand that this can be an overwhelming process for our first time clients. We are here to help! Please book in either a FaceTime or in clinic consultations so we can discuss your concerns and give you a bespoke treatment plan.

  • At Lûum Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on delivering natural and undetectable results for our clients. We believe cosmetic treatments should not be detectable to the normal eye and just enhance your natur.l beauty. Please see our bespoke consultation tab, to see what we can do for you.