Men’s Hair Loss Solutions

We specialise in painless, clinically proven hair loss treatment plans for men at our Perth clinic. Book a 1:1 consult to discuss our effective hair rejuvenation treatment plans.

What causes Hair Loss and Male Pattern Baldness?

Male hair loss is often due to several factors including:

  • Hormones

  • Stress

  • Diet

  • Lifestyle factors

  • Medication

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) is a genetic condition that can be inherited from either side of the family, despite the common belief that it only comes from the mother’s side. MPB is triggered by a byproduct of testosterone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone binds to hair follicles, causing them to gradually shrink, which leads to thinning hair or complete baldness, particularly at the crown and along the frontal hairline. In women, this may be known as “Female Pattern Hair Loss.”

Men’s Hair Loss Solutions | Stimulate dormant hair follicles | LUUM Aesthetics Perth

What are my Hair Loss Treatment Solutions?

At LUUM we offer Male Hair Loss Treatment plans. A combination of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) & Radio-frequency Skin Needling with Exosome Therapy, has been clinically proven to stimulate the hair follicles and increase collagen and blood supply to the scalp. This results in thicker and healthier hair.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy stimulates hair growth by harnessing the body's natural healing processes. Here's how it works:

    1. Blood Draw: A small amount of your blood is drawn, similar to a standard blood test.

    2. Centrifugation: The blood is then placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins the blood at high speeds to separate its components. This process isolates the platelet-rich plasma, which contains a high concentration of growth factors and proteins.

    3. Injection: The PRP is then injected into the scalp, specifically targeting areas with thinning hair or hair loss.

    4. Stimulation of Hair Follicles: The growth factors in PRP help to stimulate the hair follicles, encouraging them to enter the growth phase of the hair cycle. These growth factors enhance blood supply to the follicles, increase the thickness of the hair shaft, and may even extend the duration of the hair growth cycle.

    5. Repair and Regeneration: PRP promotes cell repair and tissue regeneration, which helps to strengthen and rejuvenate the hair follicles. This process can lead to thicker, healthier hair growth over time.

    PRP therapy is often used as a non-surgical treatment for hair loss, particularly in cases of androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). Regular sessions are typically required to maintain the results.

  • RF Skin Needling, also known as Radiofrequency Microneedling, stimulates hair growth by combining the benefits of microneedling with the regenerative power of radiofrequency (RF) energy. Here’s how it works:

    1. Microneedling: The procedure involves the use of fine needles to create tiny, controlled micro-injuries on the scalp. These micro-injuries trigger the body's natural healing response, leading to increased blood flow, the release of growth factors, and the production of collagen and elastin. This process helps to rejuvenate the scalp and create a more favourable environment for hair growth.

    2. Radiofrequency Energy: As the needles penetrate the skin, RF energy is delivered directly into the deeper layers of the scalp. This heat energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin even further, enhancing the overall regeneration process.

    3. Enhanced Follicle Stimulation: The combination of microneedling and RF energy can help to awaken dormant hair follicles, encouraging them to enter the growth phase of the hair cycle. The improved blood circulation and increased collagen production create a nourishing environment that supports the health and vitality of hair follicles.

    4. Reduction of Inflammation: RF energy can also help to reduce inflammation in the scalp, which is often a contributing factor to hair loss. By calming inflammation, the treatment can further promote healthy hair growth.

    Overall, RF Skin Needling is designed to stimulate hair growth by rejuvenating the scalp, improving blood flow, and activating hair follicles, making it an effective non-surgical option for treating hair thinning and loss.

  • Exosomes are emerging as a promising treatment for hair regrowth due to their ability to promote cell communication and regeneration.

    Here’s how they help with hair regrowth:

    1. Cellular Communication: Exosomes are tiny vesicles that contain proteins, lipids, RNA, and growth factors. These bioactive molecules are crucial for cell-to-cell communication, influencing the behaviour of nearby cells, including those in hair follicles.

    2. Stimulation of Hair Follicles: When exosomes are applied to the scalp, they deliver growth factors and signalling molecules directly to the hair follicles. This helps to stimulate dormant or weakened follicles, encouraging them to enter the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle.

    3. Promotion of Regeneration: Exosomes derived from stem cells are particularly rich in regenerative factors. These factors can help repair and rejuvenate damaged hair follicles, leading to the restoration of healthy hair growth. 

    4. Increased Blood Flow: The growth factors in exosomes also promote angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels. Improved blood circulation to the scalp ensures that hair follicles receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to thrive, which can enhance hair density and thickness.

    5. Reduction of Inflammation: Exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the scalp, a common contributor to hair loss. By calming inflammation, exosomes create a healthier environment for hair growth.

    6. Enhancing Scalp Health: Exosomes contribute to overall scalp health by promoting the production of collagen and elastin, improving skin elasticity, and repairing the scalp’s natural barrier. A healthier scalp provides a better foundation for hair to grow.

    7. Accelerated Healing: After treatments like microneedling or hair transplants, exosomes can be used to accelerate the healing process, reduce downtime, and improve the overall effectiveness of these procedures by enhancing the regenerative response of the scalp.

    This multi-faceted approach makes them a powerful tool in combating hair loss and encouraging thicker, healthier hair growth.



    Androgenetic alopecia is a common form of hair loss in both men and women affecting up to 50% of males and 25% of women. In men, it is also known as male pattern baldness, and in women, it is also known as female pattern hair loss.


    At Lúum we offer a combination of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) & Radio-frequency skin needling with exosome therapy, these treatments stimulate your hair follicles and increase collagen and blood supply to the scalp. This result in thicker and healthier hair.

    - PRP involves injecting the platelets found in your blood and activating growth factors that improve the blood supply to hair follicles and increase the thickness of your hair shafts.

    - RF Skin Needling targets multiple layers of the skin with microneedles and utilising the heating effects of radio frequency, improves collagen production and nutrient delivery to the hair follicle increases, which in turn stimulates hair growth. Topical exosomes are also post treatment which are similar to stem cells and enhance healing and growth responses.


    To ensure best possible results we hace developed the Illúminate Hair Health membership. This membership of $150 a week, direct debited from your nominated account provides you with a 10 month treatment plan to combat alopecia through combination PRP, Radio-frequency skin needling and exosome therapy. Contact us for a consultation to see if this is right for you.